6th Cary Comes Home Festival

Friday 29 November – Sunday 1 December 2024
Bristol, UK

Calling all Cary Grant fans! Mark your calendars for a thrilling celebration – Cary Come Home Festival is returning to his hometown Bristol, UK November 29th to December 1st, 2024!

This year, we’re celebrating the 120th anniversary of Cary Grant’s birth with a unique festival exploring the acrobatic side of this Hollywood legend. We all know about Cary Grant’s charm and charisma, but did you know he was a master of physical comedy with a background in acrobatics? We’ll be exploring Cary Grant, the acrobatic action hero! Witness the incredible agility honed during his early days with the Pender Troupe, translating into the hilarious pratfalls of “Bringing Up Baby” and the heart-stopping chase in “North by Northwest.”

We’re planning an unforgettable celebration packed with screenings, talks, and special events. Get ready for a festival unlike any other, celebrating Cary Grant’s comedic genius and physical prowesss. We’ll examine his career as a showman, from acrobat to vaudeville star, and screen his screwball classics alongside silent films that shaped the young Archie Leach.

We know many of you travel from afar for our events, so we wanted to give you a heads-up to secure your travel and accommodation. So for the moment, save the dates, but stay tuned! We’ll be revealing more details about the festival programme and special events very soon.

Don’t miss this chance to celebrate Cary Grant in a whole new light! Subscribe to our mailing list for updates.


In the meantime, check out our new walking tour which runs throughout the summer!: